Obviously right? Like everybody just has to love the orange looking, ramen swallowing, hyperactive kid.

Well I for one started Naruto to Naruto Shippuden and finished it in 1 month, until I noticed I also wanted to be a ninja from the hidden leaf village.

I even went to the extent of buying a characters (Itachi) necklace; by the way I am still wearing it hehe.

I think anybody who is interested in a long storyline and wants to be involved in weekly updates of an anime that involves ninja skills and laughter should definitely go for it.

Even my sister says Naruto is the only anime she can dedicate herself to.

This anime was intense and when I say intense I don't mean action. I mean its an anime filled with so much dedication to a sport (baseball).

 Like how serious can one persons love for a sport be leading the creator to make 6 seasons.

Its interesting as we get to watch the main character from like how old 7 i'm guessing to like 3* something I think. And you watch how his world is filled with the only thing that matters to him; baseball.

This is also another sport anime, and it is all about basket ball. I think the creator had a great idea with the kind of characters he introduced, and it had a lot of funny scenes involved.

 One way to know if you are about to watch a good anime is if you can find fan fictions involved with the anime. Most people are intense with writing stories about anime they enjoy watching.

The main character was sometimes annoying; but when he dunks with that basket ball, you just cant ignore your rapid heart beat or your intense scream as you say those words SLAM DUNKKKKKK!!!

This was sooooo goooooood, and the best part was that it was also a long anime. It lasted up to 51 episodes I think.

Anyway the title is obvious. It is all about solving cases, mysteries, murders  and the best part is that they are just students. Which means they are little kids using their smarts to figure out the culprits.
Like seriously how cool is that.

This shows that one does not have to be an adult to be able to solve crimes. I really enjoyed this particular show and I learnt a lot about various cases. I advice readers to watch this show because you could learn a bit of things to maybe save your life one day. And you would remember me telling you this exact phrase  "WATCH IT OR DIE TRYING" Joking, seriously please do not die.

To tell the truth; when I first watched this show I felt bad for the butler, and it made me realize that the reason why they say "the butler did it" somehow leads to the kind of person they are serving.

Like I really wanted to dump the masters head down the toilet and flush maybe 3 times in a row. I feel bad when I think of the end but thats to show you what life is about.

Watch it because I am not going to tell you what happened. *evil laugh* To tell the truth I met a human being version of a guy who looked like the butler, but the real deals are not as nice as they appear on T.V. so that was one of my most terrifying memories.

After reading this, I hope you have learnt a lot and noticed that I am not one to talk about an anime in full detail. I find that boring.

I prefer if you watch without knowing too much, and ask beautiful questions later to me or to yourself. Any one you prefer. No judging.
Good bye readers ;)


  1. Lady B of life! I think i'm interested in the black butler anime. How come you didn't include links for us to find them. Nice blog. Keep writing:D


  2. Thanks for reading unlike S and M. lmaoo that sounded wrong. Anyway the reason is because most of them are an easy find once you type on google and its better if you add ep 1 in front of them.

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